How to Perform Code Generation Using a MATLAB Model
(Part 2 of the Tutorial Series on Model Based Development)
An Introduction to the Right Arm (Real-Time Environment) of the MBD V-Cycle
In our previous tutorial on Model Based Development (MBD), we introduced you to the left arm of the MBD V-cycle, viz. Requirement Gathering and Model Creation.
The second installment of the tutorial focusses on the next phases of MBD V-cycle, which are Code generation, Software in Loop (SIL Testing) and Integration Testing, also called HIL Testing in some cases.
All these steps (on the Left and the Right arm) together constitute the process of software development using the MBD paradigm.
With the appropriate settings and optimizations, C code can be easily auto-generated from the models using MATLAB Tool. Achieving MISRA C, ISO 26262 and other compliance also becomes easier and more efficient!
What to Expect from this Model Based Development Tutorial:
Our MBD tutorial starts from where we left off in the previous video. Using the Model that we created in the first part, we will generate the C Code.
Our mentor, Mr. Sameer, has explained the steps and the necessary configuration settings that are required before one executes auto-code generation.
After code generation, Sameer has discussed SIL testing process. This is performed to evaluate whether the generated code provides expected results on the target compiler.
This is followed by an overview of integration testing in which all software modules are tested together on the target hardware platform.
Tutorial Lesson Plan:
- Important Steps in code generation from models
- Advantage of code generation using MATLAB/SIMULINK
- Steps in Software-in-loop (SIL Testing) and its importance
- Steps in Integration Testing and its importance
Tutorial Host and Mentor:

Sameer Kumthekar
Project Manager and Subject Matter Expert (MBD),
Embitel Technologies
On-demand Tutorial
Release Date: Friday, August 2nd, 2019
Duration: 30 mins