About the Customer:
Our customer is France’s legendary motorcycle manufacturer which develops innovative two and three-wheelers characterised by unmatched performance & heritage.
Business Challenges:
The customer was in line to introduce a new range of two-wheelers with modern digital instrument clusters. Through this digital cluster, they saw an opportunity to enable connectivity and move upmarket.
To turn this vision into reality, they approached our team of connectivity experts to develop a mobile app and kickstarted their journey to create a connected ecosystem.
Embitel’s in-house experts collaborated with the customer’s existing vendors and technology partners to arrive at the best possible solution.
Embitel’s Solution:
To develop an understanding of our customer’s requirements, we conducted multiple consultation sessions. During these conversations, we realized that the customer wanted a cost-effective solution as they were operating on a stringent budget.
Our connectivity experts got to work and proposed to develop a mobile application, cross-compiled for Android & iOS that transmitted and received data using Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0.
The app we developed enabled smartphone-to-cluster and cluster-to-smartphone connectivity using the Flutter Framework.

The app transmitted smartphone notifications and retrieved vehicle performance parameters collected by the digital instrument cluster using the vehicle’s CAN network.
The IoT mobile application had the following features:
- Identify & On-Board Vehicle: The mobile application onboards the vehicle to remotely track its performance through a Bluetooth authentication password, unique for each vehicle.
Once the vehicle is successfully paired with the smartphone, the app displays the two-wheeler’s:
- Model Name
- Chassis Number
The app allowed monitoring of multiple vehicles on a single platform.
- Supervising Performance: The app retrieved data from the ECU and enabled performance tracking and supervision. Here are some of the parameters it tracked:
- Total Distance Travelled
- Speed
- Distance Travelled in the Last Journey
- Current Fuel or Battery Level
- Remaining Fuel or Battery Level
- Average Consumption Rate
- Multilingual Capabilities: Since our client is a reputed global brand, they wanted to make this app accessible to all their customers. To fulfill this need, we made the app multilingual.
Users could interact with the two-wheeler in the below-mentioned languages:
- English
- French
- German
- Chinese
- Configure the cluster’s user interface (UI): The app allows users to remotely modify the theme of the cluster’s UI. The user could switch between colour-based themes such as Blue, Red, and Gold.
The app also allowed users to track distance travelled in Kilometres or Miles. A user could switch between these scales based on their convenience.
- Enable/Disable Mobile Notifications: The connectivity allowed users to choose if they wanted to receive SMS/Call Notifications on the two-wheeler’s digital instrument cluster.
Embitel Impact:
With Embitel as their connectivity partner, the customer introduced their first mobile app.
The mobile app enabled their customers to seamlessly interact with their two-wheeler in a multilinguistic approach.
Tools and Techniques:
- Android
- iOS
- Flutter Framework
- Bluetooth LE 5.0