[Video Blog] How Does a Vehicle Telematics Solution Work?

By 2025, there would be 116million connected cars on the US roads! Each of these connected cars will upload 25 gigabytes of telematics data/hour to Cloud backend. Evidently, vehicle telematics will play a huge role in shaping the future of automotive industry. So, what is the technology architecture that powers a vehicle telematics solution? Find out here.
March 21st, 2019

SCADA System – Build or Buy It for an Industrial Project?

Should I invest in an off-the-shelf or custom developed SCADA solution? : Every enterprise planning to leverage IoT powered SCADA for industrial automation has faced this dilemma! Here is a blog that offers a simple framework to help you resolve the build v/s buy dilemma
March 5th, 2019

[Video] Why Proof-of-Concept is Critical for your IoT Success

What would you do when you face unanticipated challenges or errors during the course of IoT project development?– errors that can stall the project! An IoT PoC can help you prevent these scenarios and prepare you to overcome these challenges. Curious to know more? Watch this video.
January 25th, 2019

[Video] The Motorcycle Diaries of a Digitally Connected Era

Your humble two-wheeler is soon going to get a major technology uplift ! The future belongs to the digitally connected two-wheelers. All thanks to innovations in IoT , Telematics, and Embedded System Technology. Watch this video to get a deeper insight into the technology behind connected two-wheelers.
January 17th, 2019