RapidRetail Accelerator for Sports Brands and Manufacturers

Having or setting up an e-commerce store for sports brands, comes with some challenges. Rapid Deployment Packages offered by Embitel are three unique solution packages that fit into the budget of all types of business. They come in three different variants based on the requirements of small or large businesses alike. With these RapidRetail Accelerator Packages, dive into the world of a seamless e-commerce experience.
October 6th, 2021

D2C Evolution from B2B in the Sports Industry

The sports industry is sustaining various changes, especially after the pandemic. Brands need a strong e-commerce model that meets the customer preferences and creates a better marketing experience. To achieve the growing customer demands while adapting to the contemporary market solutions, brands now tend to consider the D2C model over the conventional B2B model. Let' us walk through the benefits that D2C evolution in sports come with.
September 21st, 2021

Software Asset Management and Its Benefits

Learn how software asset management or SAM has become a hot favorite amongst IT enterprises. How software asset management can bring lot of improvement and its benefits to the companies. Get an understanding of how to manage budget and security of the assets in the organizations.
September 8th, 2021

Turbo Charge your Digital Commerce Journey with Magento Ecommerce

Powering close to 2,50,000 online stores, the Magento ecommerce platform enables e-retailers to innovate & scale up rapidly. Flexible architecture, seamless checkout features combined with omnichannel capabilities, has helped Magento ecommerce gain a distinctive position in the ecommerce market. Explore some interesting facts about Magento in this blog.
August 4th, 2021

Common Customer Success Teams Mistakes that Should be Avoided

Organizations need customer success teams to lead their customers and assist them to reach their goals. Customer success teams will help companies in mapping customer journeys. Understand what happens when Customer success teams make mistakes and how to overcome them.
July 30th, 2021