Emerging M-commerce

Rarely has a new area of business been heralded with such enthusiasm as "mobile commerce", that is the conduct of business and services over portable, wireless devices. Due to the astronomical growth of the Internet users, maturation of the Internet technologies, realization of the Internet's capabilities, the power of electronic commerce, and the promising advancement of wireless communication technologies and devices, mobile commerce has rapidly attained the business forefront
May 11th, 2015

What is M-Commerce?

M-Commerce (Mobile Commerce) refers to access to the internet via a mobile device, such as a mobile phone or a PDA. An m-commerce site is a version of a company’s webpage that is designed to fit within the constraints of a mobile phone or PDA.
May 11th, 2015

Social Media Tips to Increase Your YouTube Presence

YouTube is one of the most powerful social networks in the world. The platform allows you to share your ideas through video and interact with a potentially enormous audience. But simply posting a video on YouTube does not guarantee an audience.
May 11th, 2015