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[Vlog] Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment (HARA): A Friend In-deed of your ISO 26262 Functional Safety Journey

A gamut of electronic and electrical systems work together, to keep an automobile in action. Functional Safety is critical for most of these system, however the degree of criticality varies.

For example, an Airbag system failure can cause fatal injuries to the driver and the co-passengers in the event of a collision. On the other hand, failure of a wiper may not have that serious impact.

To measure this criticality, Automotive Engineers need to understand the probable hazards related to a system and the associated risks. And that’s where HARA plays a key role!

HARA is specified in the PART-3 (Concept Phase) of the ISO 26262 standard document. This qualitative analysis is the stepping stone, which helps to assign the right ASIL value to an automotive system and derive the safety goals.

In the subsequent phases of the functional safety lifecycle different activities are performed to meet the safety goals and the assigned ASIL.

In our latest video on the Automotive Functional Safety series, we have tried to explain HARA, since it is a crucial milestone of your ISO 26262 Functional Safety Journey.

Viewers who are curious to understand HARA in more detail can refer our blog

The Video Covers the Following Aspects of HARA

  • What is HARA?
  • Finding HARA in Functional Safety Lifecycle
  • How to Implement HARA: The Process Work-Flow
  • Outputs of HARA
  • Understanding HARA with an example

Our video explains HARA in a simplistic way, making it ideal for a wide range of audience. From automotive engineers working on functional safety projects to Business Managers looking to win customers, this video will help everyone. For more details, please refer to our Functional Safety services here.


About the Author

Vaibhav is a digital-marketing professional with a deep-rooted interest in everything automotive. Regular collaborations with automotive tech guys keep him apprised of all new trends in the automotive industry. Besides digital marketing, Vaibhav is fond of writing and music.

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