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Pocket dictionary of IoT Technology: Industrial and Home Automation

In this dictionary find out more about regular IoT terminologies to help build a strong foundation towards understanding of IoT application in home automation and industrial automation system. Also...

What is On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) 2 Software Stack?

Know about the fundamentals of ISO 15031 based OBD2 software stack and its application in emission control and diagnostics. Learn about the OBD2 vehicle data access, OBD-II stack implementation and...

Heads-up Display (HUD) for Future Smart Cars

Electronics Maker magazine discusses the future of Automotive HUD (Heads-up display) market with us. Learn about the software and hardware features of HUD that ensure a zero distraction driving...

What are the Trends and Challenges of Telematics Remote Vehicle Diagnostics

Want to know more about the latest trends and challenges in Telematics and Remote Vehicle Diagnostics services? Read this interview of Embitel Technologies, a design house based out of Bangalore...
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